
Watch On Biblify

by Randy White Ministries Sunday, Nov 7, 2021

2 Peter | Practical Teaching on Coming Conditions

Session5 | 2 Peter 2:1-3

2 Peter 2:1-3 | The False Prophets and Their Snare

  • Verse 1 --

    • Having discussed apostles (2:16-18) and prophets (2:19-21), Peter continues by reminding his followers of false prophets that arose among the people.

      • God did from time to time raise up prophets for other people (Jonah, for example).

      • In the New Testament, the term the peopleλαός [laos], is always a reference to the Jewish people.

        • Acts 26:23 is a perfect example.

        • See also Matthew 2:4, Acts 2:47, 1 Corinthians 14:21, Hebrews 4:9

        • Acts 14:11 is an example of the use of the English phrase the people“the crowd" (literally). Only laos is a reference to the Jewish people.

    • These false prophets ψευδοπροφήτης [pseudo-prophetes] of the past can be compared to the future false teachers ψευδοδιδάσκαλος [pseudo-didaskalos] who will come privily and bring in damnable heresies.

      • The word damnable in English has become more narrow since 1611. Note that the same word is used at the end of the verse and translated destruction.

      • The word heresies isαἵρεσις [hairesis“sect."

      • Since Peter is speaking about the people, these damnable heresies will be among the Jewish people rather than among the church, which will have ceased to exist as an earthly coalition by that time (due to the rapture).

        • As extra textual proof that the heresies are among the Jewish people, Peter says that these teachers will be denying the Lord that brought them.

        • Such a statement only fits the Jews. What other people did the Lord bring anywhere? Compare Exodus 20:2.

        • This is not simply a denial of Jesus as the Christ, but a denial of God Himself.

    • Note that the false teachings themselves bring swift destruction. Ideas have consequences.

  • Verse 2 --

    • Sadly, many shall follow their pernicious ways.

      • The word pernicious is the same as damnable in the Greek.

      • The English word pernicious“a person or thing causing deadly harm."

      • Note that the Critical Text has a different word, so modern translations have some form of lasciviousness (For example, NASB, Many will follow their sensuality...).

    • It is by reason of these teachers that the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

      • Recall that in the book of Acts the way is the term used for Jews who were faithful to God in Torah and believing that Jesus was their Messiah.

  • Verse 3 --

    • The heart of the sentence: they (the false teachers) will make merchandise of you.

      • The verb make merchandise is ἐμπορεύομαι [emporeuomai], of the same root as our English emporium.

      • In the scripture, it is only used elsewhere in James 4:13, translated as buy and sell.

      • The false teachers will buy and sell* *the Jewish people.

    • How will this merchandising of the people be carried out?

      • It will be through covetousness.

        • The grammar leans toward the covetousness being on the part of the false teachers, but could also be on the part of the fooled.

        • It is a truth that power-hungry-politicians, hungry for the allegiance of the masses, have used the hungers of those same people as a quid-pro-quo.

      • It will be with feigned words.

        • The word feignedπλαστός [plastos].

        • The related Greek word is plastikos, from which we get plastic.

        • The Greek carries the idea of mold-ability.

      • With these ways and means of last-days false-teachers being revealed, it would serve present-day believers well to remember that greed and the loss of objective meaning to words as a sign of great danger.

    • Of these coming false teachers, Peter says that their judgment now of a long time lingereth not.

      • The words mean that the judgment of these men has been now for a long time.

      • Be sure to put the pause after time rather than now. It is the judgment..of a long time that now...lingerteth not.

      • The judgment is of old (YLT) and is not idle (YLT).

      • Peter emphasizes this by saying their damnation slumbereth not“don't worry, they will get what is coming to them."

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